Nancy Campbell, Smokey Morning, 2023 (Website, Instagram)
Gouache on paper, 7 x 7”

I confess

to the ficuses

my passions.


The dissent in me

will return

without hesitation.


My sorrow is only for the world

& its infinite estrangements.


I only regret what made us

feel small or powerless. I confess

I will always trouble. Always

attune to the pleasures.


In place of ten Hail Marys I find the familiar

prayers of spring tonguing their way

out as my boots stomp through

the orchard, or the grid of a raucous city.


I confess I am lepidopterous & lupine, shape-shifting

meat. I am a flash of nothing. I confess I believe

in the question everywhere

challenging the father’s given.


I confess my virtue

rebellion. Disgrace,

the will to live

in me.

heidi andrea restrepo rhodes