Annie Wood, Yes, Let Me (Artist Website)
Charcoal over typewritten paper + digital collage
Reproduction is the only socially accepted form
of plagiarism. Is it possible, Holiest Hunger, Bright Horn,
that when You said, bear fruit and multiply yourselves
you meant something more parabolic? Bloom
and proliferate/blossom and become, why do we need
one thing in order to understand another? Termites
burgeoning leaf litter back into a breast. Pigeons scoffing
at the city’s sneakers. In the garden, a human ungentles
heaven’s expectations. A serpent reveals the possibility
of errant translations. Metaphor is a poetics of interconnection.
Mothers everywhere unbutton the skin of an apple. Nothing
is singular. The Talmud is selective about they/them pronouns,
arguing against, then for, required reproduction, by saying:
God created them. Do I owe the dead my corridor?