James Brugger, Blue flower, 2017
Digital photograph
Courtesy of California Native Plant Society
a death sentence in the age of surveillance capitalism
what says a great oak on its way down
the dog understands faster
breaking out of rain-soaked earth screaming
as it fell the oak remade the road
an alert citizen
more so than most the dog heard cried out
at the invisible circus the blind assassin
masters of the planet the dog crying a life!
& never let me go
finding the road impassable
finding the oak’s lichened trunk an art of the late
middle ages the delivery driver phoned home
to say in a pattern language a new word better word
Beloved where I’m calling from
is a dead end born in innocence before my eyes
still here
thinking fast and slow
my mind & tongue feeling for
le mot juste
this is my best for now
give me a minute as I explain a few things
the story of Moscow the story of Prague
the beginning of spring a blue flower is only
a hemisphere away but nearer still
the afterlife
a dog runs through it