Simplified Bird 鳥 , early 19th century
Wood, Japan, 3.4 x 3.3 x 3 cm
Image courtesy of the Los Angeles County Museum of Art
Heron on a brown
April morning.
Impeccable dew lattice.
All else throngs
the mother: faith
and ambition’s entwined
pledge, doubt
bloated like a washed up
animal, rough
lunges at light.
Each a map
for thundering
to the moment’s milk,
the wind’s protracted carve
into rock.
At the center
of stone, cream
flecked with cartilage,
some fundamental earth
-bound alphabet,
a succulent nourishment
from the opportunity
of mortality.
A soft wreckage
draws the world
out part birth part
gentle turning
of bread dough
of flowers strung
together like an elderly
swimmer. Heron
on a brown April
morning. The meaty back
of quiet pressed
against a curled
flitting at the edge
of a city
coerced inward.
We are miracle
fostered by miracle.
I peer so directly
at myself
I empty
into the dirt.
on a brown
April morning.
on a brow.
Nape of morning.
worlding miracle.