Welcome to Issue 7 and greetings from the deepest green of summertime.
It never fails to delight us how much talent finds its way to us through our submissions manager. Even the lazy, hazy days of summer have not managed to slow the traffic. And of course, we are still hard at work; until October 1, we will be reading entries for the second annual Coniston Prize, judged by Lynn Emanuel. So keep sending us your best and brightest!
As always, this issue features a collection of knock-your-socks-off poems and how-did-s/he-do-that artwork. We love both the range and the balance of these pieces. So many voices singing out from laptops, desktops, and pens all across the globe! We are also pleased to include an interview with the talented Nick Flynn, conducted by Elee Kraljii Gardiner. Thanks to these poets for sharing some space on our pages.
Grab a cold drink and a slice of shade and kick back with these brilliant minds. We hope this issue takes you places your summer vacation has never reached before.
Rachel Marie Patterson and Dara-Lyn Shrager, Editors