
Laurel Anderson (Website) is a plant ecologist and poet. Her poetry has appeared or is forthcoming in Ecotone, Terrain.org, EcoTheo Review, River Mouth Review, Split Rock Review, The Fourth River, and elsewhere. Laurel teaches science at Ohio Wesleyan University and lives with her family in central Ohio, USA.

Amanda Auchter (Website) is the author of The Wishing Tomb, winner of the PEN Center USA Literary Award for Poetry and the Perugia Press Book Award, and The Glass Crib, winner of the Zone 3 Press First Book Award for Poetry. Her writing has appeared in publications such as Alaska Quarterly Review, American Poetry Review, HuffPost, CNN, Crab Creek Review, Shenandoah, The Massachusetts Review, and the Academy of American Poets Poem-a-Day project, among others. She holds an MFA in Creative Writing from Bennington College and is a book reviewer for Indianapolis Review and Rhino Poetry.

Winner of the 2023 Tenth Gate Prize and a 2023 Alma Award, Nicole Callihan (Website) has two forthcoming poetry collections: chigger ridge (The Word Works 2024) and SLIP (Saturnalia 2025). Other books include This Strange Garment (Terrapin 2023) and the 2019 novella, The Couples. Her work has appeared in The Kenyon Review, Tin House, Conduit, The American Poetry Review, and as a Poem-a-Day selection from the Academy of American Poets.

Sarah Carey (Website) is a graduate of the Florida State University creative writing program. Her poems have appeared recently in Gulf Coast, Five Points, Kestrel, and elsewhere. She is the author of two poetry chapbooks, including Accommodations, winner of the Concrete Wolf Chapbook Award. She lives and works in Gainesville, Florida.

Brendan Constantine (Website) is a poet based in Los Angeles. He is the author of several collections and his work has been widely anthologized. He currently teaches at the Windward School and with the Los Angeles County Museum of Art. Since 2017 he has been developing workshops for writers living with Aphasia and Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI).

Emily Corwin’s writing has appeared in Salamander, Black Warrior Review, Passages North, DIAGRAM, Ninth Letter, New South, and elsewhere. Her books include Marble Orchard (University of Akron Press, 2023), Sensorium (University of Akron Press, 2020), and tenderling (Stalking Horse Press, 2018). She lives and works in Michigan with her love-person, Joe, and her very pretty cat, Soup. Follow her on social media: @exitlessblue.

Julie Esther Fisher’s (Website) poetry and stories appear or are forthcoming in Alaska Quarterly Review, Chicago Quarterly Review, New World Writing, Prime Number Magazine, Tahoma Literary Review, Bridge Eight, William and Mary Review, Other Voices, On the Seawall, Sky Island Journal, and other places. Winner of several awards, including Grand Prize Recipient of the 2022 Stories That Need to be Told Anthology, and Sunspot Lit’s Rigel Award, she has twice been nominated for the Pushcart. Her novella in stories, Love is a Crooked Stick, is about to go out on submission. A grateful recipient of a Massachusetts Cultural Council grant, she grew up in London and today lives amidst several hundred acres of wild conserved land in Massachusetts, where she indulges her passion for nature and gardening.

Featured on Poetry Daily and Verse Daily, Kathleen Hellen’s (Website) work has appeared widely in such journals as Arts & Letters, The Carolina Quarterly, Cimarron Review, Colorado Review, Evergreen Review, jubilat, Massachusetts Review, New Letters, North American Review, Poetry Northwest, Prairie Schooner, The Rumpus, The Sewanee Review, Southern Humanities Review, Waxwing, West Branch, and Witness, among others. She is the author of three full-length poetry collections, including Meet Me at the Bottom, The Only Country Was the Color of My Skin, and Umberto’s Night, which won the poetry prize from Washington Writers’ Publishing House, and two chapbooks. Hellen is the recipient of the James Still Award, the Thomas Merton prize for Poetry of the Sacred, and prizes from the H.O.W. Journal and Washington Square Review.

Cindy King (Website) is the author of a book-length poetry collection, Zoonotic (2022), and two chapbooks, Easy Street (2021) and Lesser Birds of Paradise (2022). Her latest poetry manuscript, Five for Nothing, won the C&R Poetry Book Award and will be published in October 2024. Her chapbook, OhioChic, will be released by Galileo Press in 2024. Cindy’s poems appear or are forthcoming in The Threepenny Review, The Sun, New England Review, North American Review, Prairie Schooner, American Literary Review, Denver Quarterly, Gettysburg Review, Cincinnati Review, and elsewhere. You can hear her online on American Weekend, a production of National Public Radio, at weekendamerica.publicradio.org, rhinopoetry.org, and at cortlandreview.com. She has been awarded fellowships and scholarships by the Tin House Summer Workshop, Sewanee Writers’ Workshop, the Fine Arts Work Center, Colgate University, and other organizations. She served as a Festival Poet at the Geraldine R. Dodge Poetry Festival in 2022. Cindy was born in Cleveland, Ohio. Currently she lives in Utah, where she is an associate professor of creative writing at Utah Tech University and editor of The Southern Quill and Route 7 Review. She is also an editorial associate at TriQuarterly and Seneca Review.

Lee Peterson (Website) is the author of two full-length poetry collections, Rooms and Fields: Dramatic Monologues from the War in Bosnia selected by Jean Valentine for the Stan and Tom Wick Poetry Prize (Kent State University Press) and In the Hall of North American Mammals (Cider Press Review) and a chapbook, The Needles Road (Seven Kitchens Press). Her work has appeared in Poetry Daily, Verse Daily, and such journals as Arts & Letters, Bellingham Review, Borderlands: Texas Poetry Review, Chautauqua, Southern Humanities Review, and Thrush. Peterson's research, writing, and community interests center on issues of human rights, displacement and migration, and motherhood. She teaches writing at Penn State University.

Stephen Ruffus is originally from Queens, New York and has lived for a period of time in Colorado and California. His work has appeared in the Valparaiso Poetry Review, Hotel Amerika, 3rd Wednesday, the American Journal of Poetry, The Shore, Poetica Review, JMWW, Emerge Literary Journal, Stone Poetry Quarterly, Euphony Journal, and One Art, among others. Also, he will have work in forthcoming issues of the I-70 Review, Hanging Loose Magazine, and Northridge Review. He was a semifinalist for the 2022 Morgenthau Prize sponsored by Passenger Books, and has had two poems nominated in 2023 for a Pushcart Prize. He was a founding poetry editor of Quarterly West and twice was a recipient of a Utah Original Writing Competition Award. Currently, he lives in retirement near Salt Lake City, Utah with his spouse, having spent many years as a faculty member and an administrator in the Utah System of Higher Education.

Hayden Saunier (Website) is the author of six poetry collections including her newest book, Wheel, due out in summer 2024. Her work has been published in 32 Poems, Beloit Poetry Journal, diode, The Sun, and Virginia Quarterly Review and featured on Poetry Daily, The Writer’s Almanac, and Verse Daily. Awards include a Pushcart Prize, Rattle Poetry Prize, Pablo Neruda Award, and the Gell Poetry Award.

Kirk Schlueter (Website) received his MFA in poetry from Southern Illinois University-Carbondale. His poetry has been awarded an Illinois Arts Council award and the 2018 Frontier Prize for New Poets, judged by Victoria Chang. His poems have appeared in Bat City Review, RHINO, Diode, Nimrod, River Styx, Passages North, Grist, Frontier Poetry, Ninth Letter, Willow Springs, Natural Bridge, The Pinch, Tinderbox Poetry Journal, and Connotation Press, among others.

Christopher Shipman (he/him) (Website) lives on Eno, Sappony, & Shakori land in Greensboro, NC. He is a poet, teacher, & drummer. Recent work appears in FENCE, New Orleans Review, POETRY, & elsewhere. His experimental play Metaphysique D’ Ephemera has been staged at four universities. Getting Away with Everything (2021), in collaboration with Vincent Cellucci, is his most recent collection.

Danielle Shorr (she/her) (Website) is a professor of disability rhetoric and creative writing. Winner of the Touchstone Literary Magazine Debut Prize in Nonfiction, a finalist for the Diana Woods Memorial Prize in Creative Non-Fiction, and nominee for The Pushcart Prize 2022 & 2023 and Best of the Net 2022 & 2023, her work has appeared in The Florida Review, Driftwood Press, The New Orleans Review, and others. Follow her on social media: @danielleshorr.

Brendan Walsh (Website) has lived and taught in South Korea, Laos, New England, and South Florida. He has been awarded America Magazine’s Foley Poetry Prize and Soundings East Magazine’s Claire Keyes Poetry Prize, as well as grants from Fulbright and Broward County Cultural Division. He is the author of 6 collections of poetry, including concussion fragment, winner of the 2022 Florida Book Award Gold Medal. Brendan is a competitive strongman and powerlifter, and the co-host of the “Fat Guy, Jacked Guy” podcast with Stef Rubino.

Jane Zwart (Website, X) teaches at Calvin University, where she also co-directs the Calvin Center for Faith & Writing. Her poems have appeared in Poetry, The Southern Review, Threepenny Review, HAD, and Ploughshares, as well as other journals and magazines. In addition, she is the co-editor of book reviews for Plume; her own reviews have been published there and in The Los Angeles Review of Books.

Visual Artists

Roger Camp (Website) is the author of three photography books including the award winning Butterflies in Flight, Thames & Hudson, 2002 and Heat, Charta, Milano, 2008. His work has appeared in numerous journals including The New England Review, Witness, and the New York Quarterly. His documentary photography has been awarded Europe’s prestigious Leica Medal of Excellence. Represented by the Robin Rice Gallery, NYC, more of his work may be seen on Luminous-Lint.com.

Karissa Ho (Website) is a writer and artist from Los Angeles. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in JMWW, Red Ogre Review, diaCRITICS, and Flash Frog. She studies English literature and economics at the University of California, Berkeley, and she is a very fast walker.

Lise Latreille (Website) is an artist based in Montreal, Canada, who works primarily with analogue colour photography. She holds an MFA in Studio Arts and is a candidate for the Master's in Creative Arts Therapies, both from Concordia University. Her work explores where psyche meets the material world.

Edward Lee (Website) is an artist and writer from Ireland. His paintings and photography have been exhibited widely, while his poetry, short stories, non-fiction have been published in magazines in Ireland, England, and America, including The Stinging Fly, Skylight 47, Acumen, and Smiths Knoll. His poetry collections are Playing Poohsticks On Ha’Penny Bridge, The Madness Of Qwerty, A Foetal Heart, and Bones Speaking With Hard Tongues. He also makes musical noise under the names Ayahuasca Collective, Orson Carroll, Lego Figures Fighting, and Pale Blond Boy.

Aaron Olson-Reiners (Website, Instagram) (he/him) is an artist from Minnesota currently based in Cartagena, Colombia. His work explores perception and identity through painting, drawing, and sculpture. Olson-Reiners creates abstract imagery through a responsive, improvisational process to better understand himself, his connection to other people, and his social context.

Chath pierSath was born in 1970. He lives and works at a small family farm in Central Massachusetts. He came to the US at the age of ten as a child refugee from Cambodia. He started painting in year 2000 as a self-taught artist in order to make sense of the war and genocide that took place in his birth country. He is also a writer. Find his poetry in four collections, On Earth Beneath Sky, Echoes Lost to Wind, This Body Mystery, and After. He exhibited internationally, including Paris and New York.

Susan Pollet (Website, Instagram, X) has been creating arts and crafts since she was a small child.  She has studied at the Art Students League of New York, Cooper Union, and the 92nd Street Y, all in New York City. While creating art, she was also a public interest lawyer for 40 years, primarily in family court, a former President and officer of women’s bar associations, and, to this date, an advocate for the rights of women, children, and families.  Her artwork reflects her interests in domestic themes as well as her love of beautiful landscapes and urban environments.  Susan uses various forms of media as art expression, including collage, paints, and drawing instruments of all sorts and on all surfaces. She is also a published author of 11 adult fiction books and 3 children’s books.  She created the covers for the adult books and the illustrations and covers for the children’s books.

kerry rawlinson (Website, Instagram, X) is a mental nomad who left Zambia decades ago to explore and landed in Canada. Fast forward: she’s still barefoot, tiptoeing through dislocation & belonging. kerry’s photo-art awards include: Makarelle, Rattle, and CAGO Online Gallery. Newer publications: Inscape, Wild Roof Journal, NonBinary Review, Touchstone, Artists Responding, Sunspot Journal, QueenMob’s Teahouse, Synchronized Chaos, amongst others. kerry’s also an award-winning poet (Princemere Poetry Prize 2024) & writer (Edinburgh International Flash Contest 2020) and was Curator of Kelowna Airport Art Gallery for seven years.

Tony de los Reyes (Website) lives and works in Los Angeles. His paintings, drawings, and prints focus on issues and topography surrounding the US-Mexican border. His work has been collected by the Los Angeles Museum of Art, New York Public Library, New Britain Museum of American Art, and appeared as illustrations in The Drift, Diacritics, and Leviathan. www.tonydelosreyes.com

Anna Smetanenko (Website) is a multidisciplinary artist from Zhytomyr, Ukraine, researching concepts such as consciousness, AI, and spirituality. Her prose about Maidan was published in Rising for Freedom and Democracy in Ukraine by Brine Books Publishing, Canada. Artworks were exhibited in some international galleries and published in various international online and print magazines. On February 24, 2022, Russia attacked Anna's homeland, Ukraine. We need to stay together!

Elaine Verdill is a poet and photographer who also paints with acrylics. Her artwork can be found in publications: The Poets’ Touchstone; Watershed Review, The Bookends Review; Calyx: A Journal of Art and Literature for Women, Foliate Oak Literary Magazine, San Antonio Review, Barzakh, Beyond Words, The Sonder Review, and others.

Marta Zubieta (Website, Instagram) is a Spanish artist living in Bristol, UK. Specialised in illustration, graphic design, and mural she inspires herself from the 90s cartoons, sci-fi, pop-surrealist art, and latin folklore to create her adult illustrations for forever teenagers. Zubieta’s art explores popular culture through retro and tropical references, alternative universes, and lots of characters. With them, she describes the myths and clichés of Generation Z and Millennials: stories of love, anxiety, dreams, and technological addiction in a pastel and neon universe.