Hannah Sessions, Early Morning Fog With Hay Down (oil on canvas)

sought to fuse what we
know about ewes with what

we know about music,
observing a herd of female

ruminants foddered
the tunes of Wagner,

to which they made
ecstatic milk, whose swells

and lows were enough
to make a lamb choke.

After some turbulent early
hours, however, the lambs

thrived, though little
is known about how allegro

affects the ruminant stomach
in the long term. Of note:

no ewes supernovaed. No soil
rose up and assumed

mammal form. No moons
met earth and two-stepped.

Just sheep, just sheep and
sheep and song. And when

the song ended, just grass
and bats and the loneliness of

dreams, even the realized kind.


Sarah Wolfson